Welcome to Reform UK

Washington & Gateshead South Constituency

Your Washington & Gateshead South team is dedicated to making a difference locally and nationally.

Our committed team of candidates and volunteers work tirelessly in the community for the community.

Family, Community & Country is at the heart of everything we do


Donate to your local branch

All donations will help fund the local branch to purchase campaign material and literature, every penny will help us fight, and help us win locally

Take our Residents survey 2025

By sharing your thoughts and experiences, you help us better understand the needs and priorities of our residents. This information will guide our decision-making processes and help us implement changes and improvements that directly benefit you and your neighbors.

Stand with us

Standing for Reform UK WGS can be a powerful way to make a difference in your community and beyond.

Why stand for us ?

Here are some reasons why you might consider it:

  • Influence Policy:

Being part of a Reform WGS allows you to help shape policies and decisions that affect you,, your family, friends and  community,

  • Representation:

We aim to represent the interests and values of our members, this will give you a platform to advocate for issues you care about in your local community.

  • Community Engagement:

As a candidate you will connect with your local community and campaign on local issues that matter


  • Opportunities:

We offer opportunities for personal and professional growth, including comittee roles and Training courses.

Be the difference your community needs

Join the Movement for Political Reform
